
Tuši's blog

Sunday, October 01, 2023


Croatia: Summer Vacation, Day 3: Hike Across The Velebit - Stage 1 - From Vratnik To Zavižan

Velebit is the largest mountain range in Croatia, stretching for about 145 kilometers along the Adriatic coast, separating the coastal region from the interior of the country and Nada, Bronco and me decided to hike from its start at Vratnik pass to an end, peak Crnopac, above Zrmanja river, where it transitions into the Dalmatian hinterland.

On our first day Ana and Aleš drove us from Stinica to a mountain pass Vratnik, lying at an altitude of 694 m, where we thanked them for spending 2 days with us and driving us here and then we started with our hiking. After a few kilometers we already lost the prepared track, but we didn't bother. Since people usually start this hike at a later point, we were alone most of the time, with some bear poops all the way to Oltari with an abandoned mountain hut. We refilled water here and continued to the the entrance of Northern Velebit National Park. One more break until the last ascent to Zavižan, 1594 m, where we spent the night.

Previous days of our Summer Vacation 2024: Day 2 - 16207 and Day 1 - 16206.

We started our hike at Vratnik pass, below a Vratnik Motel, that used to be one of the Yugoslavia's  finest and has now fallen into a state of total decay and dereliction.

Selfie for a good start. At least Bronco is wearing true barefoot shoes.

Since the path from Vratnik to Oltari is usually skipped by the hikers, we were alone for the whole time.

Heavy backpacks were released for a while.

Out of the woods.

Let's continue towards Oltari.

One more photo before we continue.

Maybe a little hot for hiking, but still better than rain.

In Oltari we found an abandoned mountain hut, but nearby houses were occupied, so we refilled our water supplies.

Oltari or better said back between the people and asphalt roads.

Approaching Northern Velebit National Park. Bronco also expressed himself.

Nature and us.

Over the meadows and through the rocks.

Even though September has good temperatures for hiking, the days are much shorter.

In the rocky section.

Finally at our destination, mountain hut Planinarski dom Zavižan, 1594 m. Smart people simply drove here.

Since dogs are not allowed inside, Bronco and me decided to sleep in a woodshed. Bronco was very tired, since he had digestive disorders, so we couldn't let him stay on his own.

Boys room for the first night.

Our first day on Velebit.

Geocache found:
- Motel Vratnik, Mystery, GCA0KFH, that received a visit by trackable items "MissJenn’s 5 Cents", TB9K7R9 and "Second Angel of peace", TBA8B55

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