
Tuši's blog

Saturday, October 07, 2023


Croatia: Summer Vacation, Day 9: Hike Across The Velebit - Stage 7 - From Dušice to Crnopac

Velebit is the largest mountain range in Croatia, stretching for about 145 kilometers along the Adriatic coast, separating the coastal region from the interior of the country and Nada, Bronco and me decided to hike from its start at Vratnik pass to an end, peak Crnopac, above Zrmanja river, where it transitions into the Dalmatian hinterland.

I started hiking early again, with the help of the head lamp. First kilometers were nice, but then the path becomes the gravel road and no wonder, that the official Velebit hiking path simply turns towards the seaside and skips the southern part of the mountain. Well, I stuck to my plan and I continued in the south-east direction. A little past noon I met with Nada and Bronco again and together we hiked to the last noticeable peak of the Velebit, Crnopac. We ended the day with a dinner in a restaurant and a night in a camp.

Previous days of our Summer Vacation 2024: Day 8 - 16213, Day 7 - 16212, Day 6 - 16211, Day 5 - 16210,  Day 4 - 16209, Day 3 - 16208, Day 2 - 16207 and Day 1 - 16206.

Good morning.

Boring gravel road that was spiced up with bear shit.

Curious cattle in Milsko bilo.

I wished I was on the bike.

Towards Male jasle.

In the middle of nowhere.

I continued straight.

Hello Nada and Bronco.

The last peak in our Velebit adventure was conquered with Nada and Bronco.

View from Crnopac, 1404 m. Velebit mountain range just descends to Zrmanja from here and then it ends.

Cooling down.

Mountaineers Bronco, Tuši and Nada.

Back to the valley.

The Crnopac area is famous for its impressive karst landscape, which includes deep sinkholes, underground caves, and intricate limestone formations.

One of the most notable features in the area is the Kita Gačešina cave system, one of the longest and most complex cave systems in Croatia. For now, more than 30 km has been explored.

Last steps on the Velebit. It has been fun and definitely unforgettable.

Dinner, beer and end of the 7-day hiking.

My seventh day on Velebit.

GPS calculated 171 km and 7100 vertical meters in 7 days - Garmin Connect.

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