
Tuši's blog

Saturday, May 27, 2023


Bosnia and Herzegovina: MTB trip with AO Tržič - Mostar, Šipovac and Fortica

Our local Mountaineering Society AO Tržič organizes a mountain biking trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2015 and this year's destination was the area around Nevesinje. On our second cycling day we wanted to conquer the Brasina peak of Velež mountain range, but only some were successful. I ended my uphill section near Šipovac and then I explored the nearby hill with a wind farm and a viewpoint point called Fortica. On the map I saw a path leading straight back, so I ended on a nice single trail, that took me back to Mostar, where we slowly regrouped and then we drove back to our base in Nevesinje.

Previous days of this trip: Day 2 - 16080, Day 1 - 16079.
Previous MTB Trips with AO Tržič: 1. 2015 (13161, 13162, 13163), 2. 2016 (13518), 3. 2017 (13889, 13890, 13891),  4. 2018 (142531425414255), 6. 2020 (14997), 7. 2021 (1535315354), 8. 2022 (157151571615717).

Riding through the wind.

Windpark Podveležje has fifteen wind turbines with a total installed capacity of 48 megawatts.

One of many wind turbines.

Skywalk in Fortica with the view to Mostar.

Fortica Hill has remnants of historical fortifications. These fortifications were used during different periods, particularly during the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian eras.

Unfortunately still to typical for Bosnia and Herzegovina, where garbage meets nature.

Found a trail straight to Mostar.

In Mostar we had a well deserved beer - Garmin Connect.

Back in Nevesinje, we finished the day with dinner.

#MTB #mountains #Mostar #Velež

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