
Tuši's blog

Tuesday, May 23, 2023


Slovenia: MTB - Around Begunjščica

Last time, when I wanted to go around Begunjščica, I had some technical issues with my bike Black Mamba and since they were fixed, I tried to do that route again. Some parts were new to me and I wanted to see, if they were doable with the mountain bike. Well, in the end I would say it is better to avoid it, since I had to walk quite a lot. In the end I finished the circle around Begunjščica - Garmin Connect.

Above mountain pasture Prevala.

Planina Planinca.

Tomčeva koča na Poljški planini mountain hut.

Crossing the Završnica creek.

Dom pri izviru Završnice and Završnica spring.

Last hut of the day - Dom na Zelenici.

Cooling the brakes.

View to the Šentana valley.

Time to go back home.

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