
Tuši's blog

Wednesday, November 22, 2023


AustriaSlovenia: Gorge Čepa and Prelaz Ljubelj

Last week (16254) we tried to enter the gorge Čepa (Tscheppaschlucht), but all the entrances we tried, had locks on the gate. Today we were immediately successful, but the we used some steep slope to enter. Once we were on the path, we simply enjoyed what water did over the years.

In the evening we attended the 3rd traditional neighborhood Gathering on Prelaz Ljubelj. 5 families gathered again and once more we had a great evening.

Previous gatherings: 2nd - 2022 - 15896, 1st - 2020 - 14853.

Direct approach to the gorge on a steep slope.

Žabnica stream (Bodenbach).

Great job Nada.

On the trail.

Nada on the bridge over Žabnica creek.

The gorge was carved by Ljubeljska Borovnica (Loiblbach).

The path is not easy for big dogs.

Exploring the upstream of Ljubeljska Borovnica.

Nada, Bronco and Tuši.

The work of water.

Towards waterfall Sopotniški šum, where we were last week. Bronco mastered the walk on unusual stairs.

Below the Devil's bridge we found another way out, more simple and secure - Garmin Connect.

In the evening we made the ascent to Prelaz Ljubelj.

3rd neighborhood gathering - Garmin Connect.

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