
Tuši's blog

Thursday, November 16, 2023


Slovenia / Austria: Hike & Fly - Potoška gora and Sopotniški Šum Waterfall

In the morning I joined Miha and Jurij on a hike and fly expedition to Potoška gora - Garmin Connect. After a long time I was back in the air and it felt great. When Nada came home, we decided to visit the Čepa gorge. Since the season is over, all major entrances were locked and then we visited only the Sopotniški Šum Waterfall. In the end we decided, that we will definitely find an entrance next time, we will just try harder.

Hike towards the main entrance to the Čepa gorge (Tscheppaschlucht).

Locked doors at 1st entrance and and locked doors at second entrance.

Attempt number 3 took us to Sopotniški Šum Waterfall, but because of another locked doors we couldn't continue. We still have some ideas how to get in, but that we will try next time.

In German, the waterfall is called Tschaukofall.

The work of mother nature.

Nada, Bronco, Tuši and Sopotniški šum - Garmin Connect.

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