
Tuši's blog

Friday, July 08, 2022


Croatia: Visiting our Weekend House

On Friday, Nada, Bronco and me decided to go to our weekend house in Hrvatsko Zagorje. We started quite early, so we could finish our jobs on our destination and Bronco helped us a lot. Since the work was quickly finished, we continued with the necessary work on the weekend house and soon we were able to relax on one of the calmest places on our planet.

Bronco helped us with the programming. The work itself is quite exhausting.

Quoting Bronco: Everyone heard about C#, C++, Java, Python, Basic, Fortran, PHP. But the Shakespeare Programming Language killed me.

Still relaxing.

Lawn mower did its job.

Taking photo of our Catahoula Leopard Dog Bronco.

In the wineyard.

Still programming...

In the cellar we found some Macedonian Cognac from our friend Vlado.

In the evening we visited the homestead of my father.

Old fruit trees.

New signposts.

Evening walk to the local hunting spot.

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