The plan for today was simple. Nada and me decided to attend a
sledding race in Winterleiten, where our neighbors Vid and Žiga were competing. I wanted to start a bit earlier, so I could do a quick backcountry skiing trip to nearby Hohe Ranach before the start of the 2nd run. I was back on time and then we watched the race with other fans. In the end we were satisfied with 2nd and 3rd place. Congratulations to Žiga and Vid.
In the evening we had a small party for New Year's eve at our place. Ana and Baki joined us at the dinner and later on two lost friends, Mrki and Janko came. Cheers!
The summit of Hohe Ranach, 1981 m, was so windy, that I hardly do a few pictures. |
Fans from Slovenia posing near the lower Winterleiten lake. |
Žiga and Vid.
On Slovenian curve.
Žiga in action on icy track. |
2nd place Žiga and 3rd place Vid. Congratulations. |
Brothers posing for the fans.
New Year's Eve. Cheers!
Some statistics for 2023 (Tuši, GeoCaching):
- travelling in Europe, this year 8 foreign countries
210 geocaches found in 2023. |
Charts of distance, elevation gain and number of events for 2023.