
Tuši's blog

Sunday, August 27, 2023


Slovenia / Italy / Austria: On Two Wheels

Nada, Elvis and me spend the last they of the Chera Hiking Summer camp on the motorbikes. We simply followed our noses and the road led us to Tolmeč / Tolmezzo, where we had a short break for lunch. Soon we continued over Austria and back to Italy, to lake Rabeljsko jezero / Lake Predil. Another stop and then we set our compasses to destination home.

Previous days of our Summer Chera Hiking camp: Day 1 - 16170, Day 2 - 16171, Day 3 - 16172.

Elvis has a brand new KTM.

Nada and Tuši.

We thought that we will meet other members of #CheraHiking group at lake Rabeljsko jezero, but we were too fast for them.

Easy 300 kilometers in the mountains.

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