
Tuši's blog

Saturday, August 12, 2023


Croatia: MTB - To the other side of cape Istria

Finally Nada paused her work duties and today we went cycling together. We cycled to the eastern side of Istria, to Duga Uvala. On the way back we also visited Nesactium (Vizače in Istrian dialect), an ancient fortified town and a Celtis australis tree in Muntić. All together we did 70 km - Garmin Connect.

Previous days of our seaside trip: Day 1 - 16155, Day 2 - 16156, Day 3 - 16157.

Morning swim

Duga uvala.

Stop for a drink.

Above Duga uvala.

Nesactium was the seat of the Histri, the Iron Age people who inhabited Istria. Numerous archaeological findings show its permanent population, from the prehistoric era until the Late Antiquity.

The Romans had demolished the capital of the Histri after their siege in 177 BC, building a new town on the same location, which featured Roman-style town planning.

We moved on to Muntić, where we visited the European nettle tree in the city, that was plated in the early 16th century.

Time for a delicious fish plate.

Back at our home.

Another sunset.

Geocaches found (all received a visit by trackable items "MissJenn’s 5 Cents", TB9K7R9 and "Sukerbiet 1", TB9VDJJ):
- Nesactium, GC594AR
- The old Ladonja tree ( Celtis australis ), GC7TJBG

#MTB #seaside #vantrip #geocaching 

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