
Tuši's blog

Saturday, August 26, 2023


Slovenia: Hike & Fly - Krasji vrh and Ozben

On the third day of our summer Chera hiking camp Jure and me decided to do some paragliding. We squeezed our asses in the cars of the rest of the group, that went hiking and they drove us to Drežniške Ravne. After a few minutes of walking we got another ride, that took us all the way to mountain pasture Planina Zapleč and from there we hiked to Krasji vrh, 1773 m. We spread our wings and flew back to Kobarid - Garmin Connect. Since it was still early, we decided to hitch hike to Drežniške Ravne again and from there hike to Ozben, another take off site. We didn't wait long for the ride and soon we were at the start of another spot. The wind wasn't too good, so we waited for a while. Patience paid off and soon we were back in the air. Jure stayed in the air quite long, while I landed back in Kobarid - Garmin Connect. We all finished the day in Nadiža river and with the great dinner back in our camping place Rut.

Previous days of our Summer Chera Hiking camp: Day 1 - 16170, Day 2 - 16171.

Jure at his starting point on Krasji vrh.

Looking good, time to go.

Run, run, run.

Flying towards Kobarid.

Afternoon relaxing in Nadiža, where Nada joined us.

Dinner time.

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