
Tuši's blog

Sunday, August 27, 2023


Slovenia / Italy / Austria: On Two Wheels

Nada, Elvis and me spend the last they of the Chera Hiking Summer camp on the motorbikes. We simply followed our noses and the road led us to Tolmeč / Tolmezzo, where we had a short break for lunch. Soon we continued over Austria and back to Italy, to lake Rabeljsko jezero / Lake Predil. Another stop and then we set our compasses to destination home.

Previous days of our Summer Chera Hiking camp: Day 1 - 16170, Day 2 - 16171, Day 3 - 16172.

Elvis has a brand new KTM.

Nada and Tuši.

We thought that we will meet other members of #CheraHiking group at lake Rabeljsko jezero, but we were too fast for them.

Easy 300 kilometers in the mountains.

Saturday, August 26, 2023


Slovenia: Hike & Fly - Krasji vrh and Ozben

On the third day of our summer Chera hiking camp Jure and me decided to do some paragliding. We squeezed our asses in the cars of the rest of the group, that went hiking and they drove us to Drežniške Ravne. After a few minutes of walking we got another ride, that took us all the way to mountain pasture Planina Zapleč and from there we hiked to Krasji vrh, 1773 m. We spread our wings and flew back to Kobarid - Garmin Connect. Since it was still early, we decided to hitch hike to Drežniške Ravne again and from there hike to Ozben, another take off site. We didn't wait long for the ride and soon we were at the start of another spot. The wind wasn't too good, so we waited for a while. Patience paid off and soon we were back in the air. Jure stayed in the air quite long, while I landed back in Kobarid - Garmin Connect. We all finished the day in Nadiža river and with the great dinner back in our camping place Rut.

Previous days of our Summer Chera Hiking camp: Day 1 - 16170, Day 2 - 16171.

Jure at his starting point on Krasji vrh.

Looking good, time to go.

Run, run, run.

Flying towards Kobarid.

Afternoon relaxing in Nadiža, where Nada joined us.

Dinner time.

Friday, August 25, 2023


Slovenia: Čez Razdol

Čez Razdol is a 450 m long climbing route in NW wall of Krn, graded IV/III. Mark, Badžo and me decided to climb it so we started hiking around 7 a.m. from above Drežnica. In a good hour we were at the start of the route, so we roped up and started climbing. First pitch went according to plans and we started looking how to approach the second pitch. Mark and Badžo looked at some plates left from the original route and they decided to climb there and since I was overvoted, I simply agreed. Mark started to climb, he put a few friends and pitons in the wall and he was already near the end of the 2nd pitch by the tree, touching for the new grip, when it happened. A huge rock, that he was standing on, collapsed. He started to fall down with the rock. First two pitons didn't hold, so he keep on falling. Since I was belaying him, I instinctively jumped back in order to pick up some rope and finally the third piton saved him from falling further. Badžo and me called him and Mark answered. What a relief after 30 meter fall. We calmed down, Mark hurt his ankle, so we called 112 and asked for the helicopter. After a while, it arrived, the mountain rescue guy picked up Mark and they flew away. Badžo and me descended back to the path and we returned (Garmin Connect) to our base in Kobarid. On our way we also picked up some other members of #CheraHiking group. What a day!

Previous days of our Summer Chera Hiking camp: Day 1 - 16170.

Start of the hiking trail.

More hiking with a little bigger backpacks.

Bivak na Črniku, 1160 m.

NW wall of Krn and our planned route marked with number 22.

Tuši, Mark and Badžo started climbing the route called Čez Razdol.

We entered the second pitch. We chose the plates and that didn't go as planned.

Help from the air arrived.

Mountain rescue picked up Mark.

Via hospital. Get well Mark!

On the way back we picked up some other members of #CheraHiking group in Breginj.

News in the media: Slovenske novice and Primorske novice.

Thursday, August 24, 2023


Slovenia: Prelaz Ljubelj and Riding to Kobarid

My 30th hike to Prelaz Ljubelj in 2023 was accompanied by Nada and Bronco. On the pass, we saw sime nice old tractors and a new mini bell tower has been set up.

In the afternoon I left home with my motorbike Blue Horse and my ride over Soriška planina to Kobarid began. Below the pass I stopped by some rocks, where artist Mohor Kejžar painted some of them. I arrived to the #CheraHiking campsite in the evening and the party began.

Tractor and a caravan.

Special way to go on vacation.

From 30 to 35 PS and from 1952 to 1960.

Travelling hotel.

Steyr Tractor (properly called Steyr Landmaschinentechnik AG) is an Austrian agricultural machinery manufacturer. The company was founded in 1864 in St. Valentin.

Nada, Bronco, Tuši and a new bell tower - Garmin Connect.

Silence please.

The eyes.

The first painting made by Mohor Kejžar in these woods was this hand.

Evening in camping Rut in Kobarid with #CheraHiking.

Geocaches found (all received a visit by trackable items "MissJenn’s 5 Cents", TB9K7R9 and some by "Sukerbiet 1", TB9VDJJ):
- POGLED K NARAVI, KI TE NE USTAVI, Multi, GCAAK2E, where I dropped of trackable item "Sukerbiet 1", TB9VDJJ and I took trackable item "Second Angel of peace", TBA8B55 and it sated with me for the rest of the day
- Sorica, GC9YC5W

Tuesday, August 22, 2023


Slovenia: Precelebration day

My cousin Aleks will turn 30 tomorrow. Tradition around here is, to prepare something special for a birthday guy a day before and we did just that. Happy birthday Aleks!

Work in progress, with music, giving us the rhythm.

His typical words: "Hey Maja, where is my wallet?"

Sky high.

I guess we made a good surprise for Aleks.

Evening specials.

Saturday, August 19, 2023


Slovenia: Prelaz Ljubelj and Baki's 40

In the morning Nada, Bronco and me did a quick recreational hike to Prelaz Ljubelj and then in the afternoon we went to celebrate Baki's 40th birthday. Cheers my friend!

We took the old Roman road for the ascent.

Each one had its own pose.

Group photo.

One from the hut.

At the party, Baki had to work hard.

Final details. Cheers!