
Tuši's blog

Monday, April 01, 2024


Slovenia / Austria: Backcountry Skiing - Končnikov vrh

Easter Monday is usually reserved for skiing with my friends from AO Tržič and Chera Hiking and this year our destination was Končnikov vrh, a peak in the eastern Karawanks. We cheated a little on the approach, as we used the gondola for the first part, but then we proceeded normally, on skis. First, we reached saddle Knepsovo sedlo, where the wind started to blow from Slovenian side. It didn't bother us too much and soon we were on our destination, Končnikov vrh, 2109 m. We had a quick group photo, while we had to take care of our backpacks, so the wind didn't blow them away. Soon, the fun part began, skiing to the valley. For the way down we didn't use the gondola lift, so we just skied to the point, where there was no more snow left and then... walking. Just before the end we got lucky, as one of the huts was open, so we had a quick beer. The rest of the walking was then much easier - Garmin Connect.

Previous Easter Monday backcountry skiing trips: 2022 - Prestreljenik, 2018 - Stol, 2016 - Ojstrc.

Gaja thought it was a hiking trip, so Badžo found some skis at home for her.

Valentina skiing on flowers.

Čera, the big boss of Chera Hiking.

On the saddle Knepsovo sedlo with our destination.

Končnikov vrh and a ridge that leads to Bistriška špica. We hiked that in 2020 - 15066.

The wind blew away the snow on Kordeževa glava.

Finally, the summit.

Windy group photo: Valentina made a selfie with Primož, Tuši, Gaja and Badžo.

Our girls.

Last pieces of snow.

Hiking time.

Winter on summits and Spring in the valley.

Saved by the open hut.

Geocache found:
- Seelenschaukel Petzen, GC7R0R8, that received a visit  by trackable items "Spartan Medal", TB9K7R9 and "Second Angel of peace", TBA8B55)

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