
Tuši's blog

Thursday, November 30, 2023


Slovenia: Birthday

Happy Birthday Nada! For her x-th birthday, I prepared some riddles, together we prepared some food and we celebrated over the evening. Cheers Nada!

Thinking with the food.

Portion for 2.

Nada and Tuši.

Pogača, honey schnapps and the riddle will slowly be solved.

Friday, November 24, 2023


Slovenia: Kršiše

Bronco's morning walk took us to Kršiše again. We stretched our legs and cleared our minds and Bronco was ready to sleep some more, while I was ready to do some work.

On the lookout point above our home.

Ridge towards Kršiše - Garmin Connect.

Thursday, November 23, 2023


Slovenia: Prelaz Ljubelj

Yesterday (16260) we had a neighborhood gathering and we left the car on Ljubelj, so today I took Bronco and we went to pick it up. We spiced up the things a bit and we conquered Prelaz Ljubelj one more time - Garmin Connect.

Great day for hangover hike.

Nice sunny day.

At the scene of the yesterday's crime.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023


AustriaSlovenia: Gorge Čepa and Prelaz Ljubelj

Last week (16254) we tried to enter the gorge Čepa (Tscheppaschlucht), but all the entrances we tried, had locks on the gate. Today we were immediately successful, but the we used some steep slope to enter. Once we were on the path, we simply enjoyed what water did over the years.

In the evening we attended the 3rd traditional neighborhood Gathering on Prelaz Ljubelj. 5 families gathered again and once more we had a great evening.

Previous gatherings: 2nd - 2022 - 15896, 1st - 2020 - 14853.

Direct approach to the gorge on a steep slope.

Žabnica stream (Bodenbach).

Great job Nada.

On the trail.

Nada on the bridge over Žabnica creek.

The gorge was carved by Ljubeljska Borovnica (Loiblbach).

The path is not easy for big dogs.

Exploring the upstream of Ljubeljska Borovnica.

Nada, Bronco and Tuši.

The work of water.

Towards waterfall Sopotniški šum, where we were last week. Bronco mastered the walk on unusual stairs.

Below the Devil's bridge we found another way out, more simple and secure - Garmin Connect.

In the evening we made the ascent to Prelaz Ljubelj.

3rd neighborhood gathering - Garmin Connect.

Sunday, November 19, 2023


Slovenia: Brezniške peči or from Žirovnica to Podljubelj

The ridge of the Brezniške peči is the westernmost beginning of the Kamnik - Savinja Alps, and in its highest part it barely exceeds a thousand meters above sea level. Usually we always see it while driving on the motorway towards Jesenice, but today, it was time to see it from close. We started the hike from Žirovnica and immediately we ascended to the ridge. The path follows the ridge almost all the time, crossing the less known peaks Brinjev vrh, 715 m, Mali vrh, 861 m, Peči, 855 m, Reber, 883 m, Gosjak, 888 m, Golovec 953 m, Jecola 1080 m and Smokuški vrh, 1122 m. At Smokuški vrh, the ridge ends and we followed the trail to the north, to a mountain pasture Poljška planina, 1180 m. Our first stop was on Planina Planinca, 1136 m and the last one on Koča na Prevalu mountain hut, 1311 m. From there, we just descended to our home - Garmin Connect.

We started the hike in front of Čop’s Birth House in Žirovnica, following the trail past water station, built in 1914.

Through the tunnel to the ridge.

View towards Jelovica plateau.

The path mainly follows the ridge.

We were below the highest peak of the Karawanks, Stol, 2236 m.

Above the artificial Završnica lake.

Julian Alps with our highest mountain, Triglav and Upper Sava Valley.

Towards Mali vrh.

From time to time, we really had a magnificent view to the surroundings.

On the way, we had some quick breaks.

Towards Reber, 883 m.

Near Golovec, 953 m, the view opened again.

Finally over 1000 m above sea level.

Group photo on Smokuški vrh, 1122 m.

Towards Tomčeva koča na Poljški planini, 1180 m.

We made our first break at mountain pasture Planina Planinca, 1136 m.

From this point, our route goes only down.

Our last stop was at Koča na Prevalu mountain hut, 1311 m.