
Tuši's blog

Wednesday, November 01, 2023


Austria: Kozjak / Ovčji vrh

Ovčji vrh or Kozjak is a 2024 m high peak located north of the main ridge of the Karawanks. Since it is quite close to our home, we decided to hike to the summit. We drove to Poden (Bodental) from where we started hiking to the top. Along the way a local dog joined us, so Bronco also had a company. Fresh snow was waiting at higher altitudes, but it didn't bother us. After photo session at the top, we returned back, using the same way.

We started our hike from Poden.

Below saddle Vrata, winter waited for us.

Bronco found a new friend.

Main ridge of the Karawanks with Vrtača, 2181 m.

Approaching the cross on the summit.

Fog in the Celovec Basin.

Vgrizeva planina with Kosmatica.

Palec, Zelenjak, Vrtača and Svačica.

Running around the peak.

Selfie on top.

After the group photo we started returning back.

Time for a tea.

Winter is on its way.

We ended the trip at our starting point in Poden - Garmin Connect.

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