
Tuši's blog

Saturday, July 29, 2023


Slovenia: Baba

Sara and Nada's brother Jure visited us and we decided to go hiking. Our plan was to visit mountain pasture Korošica, but since we all felt very olympic, we extended our trip to Košutica, also known as Baba in our area. Bronco was with us all the time, accouraging us not to give up. We finished the hiking (Garmin Connect) day back home with the slow barbecue.

We started the hike through the nice shady forest.

Arrived to mountain pasture Korošica.

Bronco, Jure and me had a men conversation on the way up, so we left Sara and Nada behind us. From the top we had a beautiful view to the pasture and the Karawanks on the West.

Bronco was happy to see Sara and Nada again.

Resting mode.

Model Bronco.

Signing into the book.

Still resting.

We were not in a hurry.

View to the Košuta ridge.

Nada, Jure, Sara, Tuši and Bronco on top of Košutica, 1968 m.

The return.

Back on the pasture.

Cows with Veliki vrh, 2088 m.

Home made "snacks" on the mountain pasture.

Back to the valley.

We were ready for the slow food from the barbecue.

Geocache found:
- Košutica ali Ljubeljska Baba, GC9W531, that received a visit by trackable items "MissJenn’s 5 Cents", TB9K7R9 and "Sukerbiet 1", TB9VDJJ and where I dropped off "Schwarzer Delfin mit Anker", TB9YMGV

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