
Tuši's blog

Wednesday, July 26, 2023


Slovenia: Vrh Ljubeljščice, Povna Peč and Ljubelj Pass

8 days ago I checked the ridge path from Koča na Ljubelju mountain hut to Vrh Ljubeljščice (16133), if it is suitable for Bronco and I decided we will try it. Today was our day. We easily hiked past Dom na Zelenici mountain hut to the highest point of the day, Vrh Ljubeljščice, 1704 m. We followed the marked path to the saddle and then we left it. Normal path avoids the following peak on the Slovenian side with some installed steel ropes, while Bronco and me avoided it on the Austrian side. We choose wisely and soon we were back on the path, following Ljubeljščica ridge. The second part with steel ropes was again ahead of us and we also avoided it with a short detour in the neighboring Austria. Well done Bronco, the heavy parts were behind us so we enjoyed the remaining of the hike over Povna peč and Ljubelj pass all the way back home.

In the forest towards Zelenica.

Dom na Zelenici mountain hut with Vrtača in the back.

Bronco on top of Vrh Ljubeljščice, 1704 m, the highest point of the day.

Let's do the demanding path.

View to Zgornji Plot, 1713 m. Still on 2 do list.

Searching for good passage. Bronco is good at that.

Back on track. Well done.

Bronco, you're the man. Congratulations.

Selfie from Ljubeljščica ridge.

View from Povna peč, 1503 m.

I lost Bronco for a while.

Back on the "motorway".

Mission accomplished, time to go back home - Garmin Connect.

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