
Tuši's blog

Saturday, July 01, 2023


Croatia: Down the hills, valleys and belvederes of northeastern Zagorje

"Down the hills, valleys and belvederes of northeastern Zagorje" is the name of the cycling route in Hrvatsko Zagorje. The circular route took us from Konjščina to Budinšćina, Zajezda and back over some steep hills and interesting things - Garmin Connect. We finished the day with a visit of Konjščina castle, where their annual fair took place.

Ready to start.

Hrašćinski meteorit - Hraschina meteorite is the official name of an iron meteorite that fell in 1751 near the village of Hrašćina in Hrvatsko Zagorje. This meteorite is important because it was the first fall of an iron meteorite viewed and reported by a significant number of witnesses.

Up and down.

A little bit of mud.

Civilization ahead.

Clouds were welcomed.

Chapel of St. Benedict is located on a 275-meter hill above Budinščina.

This fortress in Zagorje at Konjščina has kept its medieval charm. It belonged to counts Konjski, who also gave the name to the place. In 1545. the fortress saved the life Nikola Šubić Zrinski in a battle against Turks. The battle was lost, and Nikola Šubić Zrinski fled into the safety of the fortress. At the fortress there is a traditional fair every year called "Sejem pri starom gradu".

We were lucky and we just arrived to the "Sejem" event.

Hunger kicked in on our way back, when we also picked up a hitch hiker.

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