
Tuši's blog

Saturday, July 15, 2023


Slovenia: Črnikova Glava

Črnikova glava is a peak near our home, that is mostly unknown to everyone. Even tough it offers a nice view to the village, there is no exact path that leads to the summit, so we needed to improvise. And we improvised 2 times, on the way up and since we descended on a different side, we improvised on the way down too. In the end we were all happy, when we returned back to civilization - Garmin Connect.

Leaving the road and finding the path.

From time to time the view opened.

The path disappeared again.


Something for lunch - chanterelles.

Some steep parts.

Finally at the top with the magnificent view.

Črni Gozd settlement.

Photographer Tuši.

Nada and Tuši.

Selfie time.

Hot day for Bronco.

Bronco and Veliki vrh.

Half way down in a place called Za Šijo.

Refreshment under waterfall Tominčev slap.

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