
Tuši's blog

Sunday, December 24, 2023


Slovenia: Kršiše

While Nada and Bronco did a hike to Kršiše and Vodale a while ago, they lost a sign in book or better said, the book went over the cliff. Two weeks ago (16278) we tried to recover it with the rope, but the rope was too short. Six days ago (16286), Bronco and me found a way, that lead us below the cliff and we found the book, but since it was wet, we took it home to dry it and today we finally returned it - Garmin Connect. The logbook saga is therefore finished.

The sign in book is back on Vodale.

We recounted the entries from the temporary book.

Bronco, please look at the camera.

Nada, Bronco and Tuši.

We set up the Christmas tree in the evening and we equipped it with some new stuff.

Saturday, December 23, 2023


Slovenia: Morning on Dobrča

After the yesterday's party (16290) we woke up into a beautiful morning in the mountains. It was still early, when we left the house and we headed back home. Amazing, how the route today was different as yesterday, when we walked on the same path, just in the dark - Garmin Connect.

Here comes the Sun.

Our Triglav.

We left the hut before eight.

Great start of the day.

On and off track.

Back in our village Podljubelj.

Friday, December 22, 2023


Slovenia: Chera Hiking closing Party at Dobrča

My friend Čera has a mountaineering school and he invited us to a closing party at Koča na Dobrči mountain hut. With Nada we simply hiked from home to the hut in the evening and we just hit the party. Cheers!

Evening walk with the moon and head lamps.

Chera Hiking Rulz!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Slovenia: Prelaz Ljubelj

Our standard place to take Bronco out has become Prelaz Ljubelj mountain pass. Today was no different and we hiked to the pass again - Garmin Connect.

Always the same, still always different view.

Nada, Bronco and Tuši.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023


Slovenia: Geocaching

During the day, I took my dad to Laško to spa for rehabilitation, so I had some spare time on my way back. I decided to pick up some geocaches along the way.
Kozjak (658 m) is a road pass between Gorenjska and Styria.

In March (16004) Bronco and me did a geocaching trail and today I picked up a bonus cache.

Geocaches found (all received a visit by trackable items "MissJenn’s 5 Cents", TB9K7R9 and "Second Angel of peace", TBA8B55):
- Dobrodošli v Celju, GC9CZQF
- Zlatorog, GCA6MFM
- Prelaz Kozjak, GCA7QVA
- CTD: Cerkev sv. Martina v Šmartnem, GCA9VH0
- CTD: Cerkev sv. Tomaža na Lokah, GCA9VGX
- OKP BONUS - OKROGLO KROŽNA POT, Mystery, GC9T8EH, where I placed trackable item "MissJenn’s 5 Cents", TB9K7R9 and I took "Spartan Medal", TB61MTT

Monday, December 18, 2023


Slovenia: Kršiše

While Nada and Bronco did a hike to Kršiše and Vodale a while ago, they lost a sign in book or better said, the book went over the cliff. Eight days ago (16278) we tried to recover it with the rope, but the rope was too short. Today, Bronco and me found a way, that lead us below the cliff and we found the book, unfortunately all wet, so we took her home to dry it - Garmin Connect.

Recovering the lost sign in book.

Saturday, December 16, 2023


Slovenia / Austria: Prelaz Ljubelj

Today we made another hike to Prelaz Ljubelj. We spiced up things a little, since we decided to go through the tunnel to Austria and then to the top of the pass. On the way back Bronco spiced things up for us, since he escaped from the leash and scared some people, while he was running around - Garmin Connect.

Bronco's first long tunnel.

Approaching the end of 1566 m long tunnel.

Exploring a piece of new path.

We made it to the top.

View to Slovenian side.

"Coffee" break.

Friday, December 15, 2023


Slovenia: Ljubelj and Fair in Kovor

In the morning Nada, Bronco and me did a hike to Ljubelj, where we wanted to visit Lučka in a bar Šentančan, but it was closed. When we started hiking back home, we made a call and Rajko told us, that she is on her way, so we turned around. We had a tea and then we really went back home - Garmin Connect. In the evening, Nada attended a christmas fair in Kovor with her merino clothes, while I was just a visitor.

Bar Šentančan was closed, but we didn't give up.

After a while, we came back and Lučka welcomed us.

Bronco simply loves snow.

Christmas fair in Kovor had some nice activities.

Country Ritem dancing session.

Sunday, December 10, 2023


Slovenia: Kršiše

While Nada and Bronco did a hike to Kršiše and Vodale a while ago, they lost a sign in book or better said, the book went over the cliff. Today we took the rope and a climbing harness and we tried to recover it. No luck this time, the rope was simply too short, so we will come back soon - Garmin Connect.

Recovering the runaway sign in book.

Saturday, December 09, 2023


Slovenia: Dobrča & Šentanski vrh

This Saturday, Nada, Bronco and me decided to hike to Dobrča and its neighboring peak Šentanski vrh, that is 1 m higher and stands at 1635 m above sea level. Fog in the valley and sunny atmosphere in the mountains were the highlights of the day.

Half way up towards mountain pasture Lešanska planina, 1450 m.

Lešanska planina was resting.

View over the pasture to Storžič.

With Bronco on top of Dobrča.

Šentanski vrh offers amazing views to all directions. Here we can see Julian Alps.

Stol, the highest peak of the Karawanks and Begunjščica.

At 10 kilometers long the Košuta ridge is Slovenia's longest mountain.

And view to the South with Nada and Bronco.

Posing at the summit.

Always necessary selfie.

Panorama from the top.

Slowly we returned back to the foggy valley - Garmin Connect.