
Tuši's blog

Sunday, December 24, 2023


Slovenia: Kršiše

While Nada and Bronco did a hike to Kršiše and Vodale a while ago, they lost a sign in book or better said, the book went over the cliff. Two weeks ago (16278) we tried to recover it with the rope, but the rope was too short. Six days ago (16286), Bronco and me found a way, that lead us below the cliff and we found the book, but since it was wet, we took it home to dry it and today we finally returned it - Garmin Connect. The logbook saga is therefore finished.

The sign in book is back on Vodale.

We recounted the entries from the temporary book.

Bronco, please look at the camera.

Nada, Bronco and Tuši.

We set up the Christmas tree in the evening and we equipped it with some new stuff.

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