
Tuši's blog

Friday, December 15, 2023


Slovenia: Ljubelj and Fair in Kovor

In the morning Nada, Bronco and me did a hike to Ljubelj, where we wanted to visit Lučka in a bar Šentančan, but it was closed. When we started hiking back home, we made a call and Rajko told us, that she is on her way, so we turned around. We had a tea and then we really went back home - Garmin Connect. In the evening, Nada attended a christmas fair in Kovor with her merino clothes, while I was just a visitor.

Bar Šentančan was closed, but we didn't give up.

After a while, we came back and Lučka welcomed us.

Bronco simply loves snow.

Christmas fair in Kovor had some nice activities.

Country Ritem dancing session.

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