
Tuši's blog

Sunday, September 17, 2023


Slovenia: Lokovnikov Grintovec and Košutica

Loibler Baba (also Ljubeljska Baba, Košutica or just simple Baba) is a scenic mountain located north of the western ridge of Košuta. I decided to conquer the peak via the north face, where an abandoned path leads to the top, but first I picked up a geocache on nearby Lokovnikov Grintovec, that also offers some mazing views to nearby peaks. I descended to mountain pasture Korošica, where I had a break. In the middle of each September, the cattle, that lived there during the Summer, leaves the pastures and retunes back to the valley, so I helped my friends to escort 18 of them them back home - Garmin Connect.

Arriving to mountain pasture Korošica.

Time to leave Slovenia and enter Austria.

View from Lokovnikov Grintovec to Grlovec on the North.

View towards West with Begunjščica, Triglav, Stol and Vrtača.

My destination, Košutica.

View to Košuta ridge and its northern wall.

Just following the ridge straight ahead to the summit via Gerhard Orasch path. 

Mountain pasture Korošica from top of Košutica, 1968 m.

Met a friend on the way down - Vipera berus or common European viper.

Finally time for a break.

In the end, we escorted 18 cows back to the valley.

Geocache found:
- Grintoutz ali Lokovnikov Grintovec, GC9W53M, that received a visit by trackable items "MissJenn’s 5 Cents", TB9K7R9 and "Second Angel of peace", TBA8B55

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