
Tuši's blog

Sunday, September 03, 2023


Slovenia: Searching for Sheep

Local sheep spend their summer in the mountains and in the beginning of the September, the owners try to locate them and get them back to the valley. Since the area, where they can  graze the grass can be quite big, all the help to locate them is appreciated, therefore Borut and me decided to join Klemen and help searching for his flock. First we hiked to mountain pasture planina Korošica, where we had breakfast and then we headed to Veliki vrh, 2088 m and there our search began. Košuta ridge is 8 km long and the flock can hide in many places. We searched the area towards Kladivo and then we gave up, so we descended to planina Pungrat - Garmin Connect. We'll have to find them next time. On Pungrat we had some lunch and then Marjan and Majda drove us to Tržič, where we attended Cobblers Sunday, a fair in Tržič, where we even lost ourselves.

On mountain pasture Planina Korošica, 1554 m.

We started searching for the sheep flock on Veliki vrh, 2088 m.

My fellow shepherds Borut and Klemen.

The weather wasn't helpful.

Košuta ridge. Sheep can be found on the south side.

On Kladivo we decided to stop searching.

Even when we looked back, we didn't see any sheep.

Geocache found:
- Veliko Kladivo, GC9Z47W, that received a visit by trackable items "MissJenn’s 5 Cents", TB9K7R9 and "Second Angel of peace", TBA8B55

#hiking #mountains #Karawanks #sheep #CoblerSunday #geocaching

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