
Tuši's blog

Thursday, May 25, 2023


Bosnia and Herzegovina: MTB trip with AO Tržič - Arrival

Our local Mountaineering Society AO Tržič organizes a mountain biking trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2015 and this year's destination was the area around Nevesinje. On our first day we simply loaded the bikes and ourselves into 1 van and 1 car and headed to our destination, Nevesinje.

Previous MTB Trips with AO Tržič: 1. 2015 (13161, 13162, 13163), 2. 2016 (13518), 3. 2017 (13889, 13890, 13891),  4. 2018 (142531425414255), 6. 2020 (14997), 7. 2021 (1535315354), 8. 2022 (157151571615717).

Our bikes somewhere in Croatia.

Nada and me travelled with our Angie, while others were in a full van.

Stop near the confluence of Buna and Bunica.

We settled in a restaurant for a dinner and then continued to our destination, Nevesinje.

#MTB #mountains #NevesinjskoPolje #Crvanj #Velež

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